To add a new duty, select
Duties from
File menu or press
Ctrl+F8 key combination from your keyboard. Following dialog will be displayed...
As I mentioned in
Adding Workdays section, program comes with pre-loaded duty list, you can click on
New Duty button to add new duties.
This is the Add Duties dialog box;
Steps to create new duty;
- Select duty number drom Duty # combo box
- Select nature of the duty from Duty combo box, if nature of duty is not listed, select Add New... from the list and enter the nature of the duty in the edit box.
- Enter Start and Finish times from Normal Time section
- Enter Break section if this duty has break (starting and ending times must be entered for program to calculate break time)
and then...
- Click on Save button to save this duty permanently,
- Click on Clear All button to clear all fields without saving,
- Click on Close button to close window,
Upon closing window, program will prompt to save if there is any changes.
Here is the screenshot of a sample duty dialog box
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